Technically Spiritual

Sacred Activism: The Connection Between Inner & Outer Transformation

Episode Summary

This episode, Prerna chats with spiritual activist Chelsea Macmillan about just that: activism as a spiritual act. Learn about the connection between our inner and outer worlds, and how to hold onto hope and peace in a tumultuous time.

Episode Notes

This episode, Prerna chats with spiritual activist Chelsea Macmillan about just that: activism as a spiritual act, and spiritual practice as a form of activism.

The two discuss how to find hope during such tumultuous times, the connection between our inner and outer worlds, how technology and social media play a role in transformation, and so much more.

Check out the show notes below for a synopsis, and tune in wherever you get your podcasts for the full episode. With our minds inundated with all the crises of the pandemic, the environment, social justice, Ukraine, and more, this is one episode worth allocating some of your energy.

Visit our website for the show notes and more! 

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